Thursday, March 3, 2011

My little Sassy girl

It is funny how things turn out. I visited the MWBTR booth at the Arlington Family Pet show with the hopes of adopting a totally different little girl. When I got there and submitted my application they told me that the girl I wanted was spoken for.

I went to the Web site frequently and saw another 2 dogs I was interested in. My niece and nephew looked with me. I saw one girl Lizzie and another Sassy. I visited Lizzie and Sassy both days apart and Sassy melted my heart!

She had been hit by a car as a puppy and was missing her left eye and so was I. It was love at first sight!

She has bonded with her Pug buddies and helps us at various rescue functions. She shows people that even big dogs need homes. She's put her name on the house. It's her's and she's not going anywhere.
Life has had its ups and downs. She loves to travel with her mom. We love to go to the pet store and have even gone to Minnesota. She loves to ride in the car. But, I had no idea my little girl had so many allergies. The vet and I tried so many things before doing a blood test. Thank God we did, because now we both know what to avoid and Sassy's not itchy anymore.

We have taken pictures at each holiday and birthday. One picture here is her second Christmas with me. She was not too excited to be with the snow man but allowed me to take the picture. Tonight we will be celebrating her 8th birthday, complete with doggie birthday cake!

At home, she owns the couch. No matter where mom sits, that is where Sassy needs to be. She has her favorite pillows, her favorite shows on tv and she keeps me laughing all the time.

I love this little girl. She has made my life complete. In the 2 years she has been with me, I have been the luckiest mommy in the whole world!